PSP final reports
JLA PSP final reports
- Adult Social Work (2018)
- Alcohol-related Liver Disease (2016)
- Asthma (2007)
- Autism (2016)
- Bipolar (2016)
- Bleeding Disorders (2018)
- Cardiomyopathy (2024)
- Cavernoma (2015)
- Childhood Disability (2014)
- Childhood Neurological Conditions (2022)
- Children's Cancer (2022) (.PDF)
- Coeliac Disease (2018)
- Contraception (2017)
- Common Conditions Affecting the Hand and Wrist (2017)
- Depression (2016)
- Diabetes (Type 1) (2011)
- Diabetes (Type 2) (2017)
- Early Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis (2016)
- Eczema (2012)
- Epilepsy (Canada) (2022) (.PDF)
- Gorton Community (2024)
- Heart Surgery - a plan to address the research priorities identified by the JLA PSP in Adult Cardiac Surgery (2019)
- Heart Surgery - results from the JLA PSP (2019)
- Hip and Knee Replacement for Osteoarthritis (2014)
- Hyperhidrosis (2019)
- Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (2018)
- Inherited Retinal Disease (Australia) (2024)
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (2023) (.PDF)
- Learning Difficulties (Scotland) (2018)
- Lichen Sclerosus (2018)
- Lyme Disease (2012)
- ME/CFS (2022)
- Mental Health in Children and Young People (2018)
- Mesothelioma (2014)
- Mitochondrial Disease (2020)
- Multiple Conditions in Later Life (2018)
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders (Canada) (2017)
- Neuro-oncology (2015)
- Occupational Therapy (2020)
- Outpatient Service Delivery (2024)
- Paediatric Hospital Care (Canada) (2021) (.PDF)
- Paediatric Lower Limb Surgery (2019)
- Palliative and end of life care (2015)
- Pancreatitis (2022) (.PDF)
- Pernicious Anaemia (2021)
- Physiotherapy (2018)
- Preterm Birth (2014)
- Rare Inherited Anaemias (2018)
- Rare Musculoskeletal Diseases in Adulthood (2019)
- Scoliosis (2017)
- Seniors' Health (Alberta, Canada (2019)
- Sexual Violence (2022)
- Sight loss and Vision (2013)
- Skin Cancer Surgery (2022)
- Stillbirth (2015)
- Stroke (2021)
- Stroke (aphasia friendly version) (2021)
- Teenage and Young Adult Cancer (2018)
- Tinnitus (2012)
- Urinary Incontinence (2008)
- Veterans' Health (2023)
- Vitiligo (2010)
Reports from other activities in association with the JLA
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (.PDF)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Australia) (priority setting in association with the JLA)
Setting priorities for social care research in Wales (English)
Setting priorities for social care research in Wales (Welsh)