Priority 21 from the Rare Musculoskeletal Diseases in Adulthood PSP

UNCERTAINTY: Is stem cell therapy an effective treatment for people with rare metabolic bone disorders? (JLA PSP Priority 21)
Overall ranking 21
JLA question ID 0076/21
Explanatory note Not available for this PSP

None identified

Health Research Classification System category Musculoskeletal
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples Stem cell research in adults? ~ Can stem cells be used to repair damaged cartilage, are there any trials I can take part in as joint replacements are not suitable for me and I think this treatment would be of great benefit for people with OI. ~ Stem cell treatments
Submitted by Individual survey submissions categorised by Health or Social Care Professionals, Organisations representing people with rare musculoskeletal diseases, people with rare musculoskeletal diseases, relatives/carers/friends, Other. For full details of the type of submitter for each individual question, please see the spreadsheet of data held on the JLA website.
PSP information
PSP unique ID 0076
PSP name Rare Musculoskeletal Diseases in Adulthood
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. 39 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 18 June 2018