Priority 16 from the Pessary use for Prolapse PSP

UNCERTAINTY: What differences does a pessary make when used to treat a prolapse? (JLA PSP Priority 16)
Overall ranking 16
JLA question ID 0054/16
Explanatory note Future research needs to provide information about how a pessary works as a treatment for symptomatic prolapse. Examples: When a pessary is inserted, does pelvic floor function improve? Can a pessary help with pain asscoiated with POP?

None identified

Health Research Classification System category Renal and urogenital
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples

Are pessaries helpful for those women suffering with grade 1 prolapse to to simply help them feel supported / less heavy? ~ Do pessaries completely put the prolapse back into place ? ~ Are removable pessary devises like the cube any worse for symptom relief than ring pessaries designed for longer use in situ? ~ When a pessary is inserted, does pelvic floor function improve? ~ Pessaries are the best choice for immediate relief of urinary stress incontinence and for reducing a prolapse. ~ Can a pessary help with pain asscoiated with POP? ~ Do pessaries halt prolapse worsening /deterioration? ~ Can the use of pessaries exacerbate some prolapse, i.e. a ring pessary can make a rectocele worse, or even led to a rectocele? ~ Do pessaries help to prevent prolapse worsening in young active women?

Submitted by 14 x women, 5 x both, 2 x other, 7 x healthcare professionals, 4 x literature
PSP information
PSP unique ID 0054
PSP name Pessary use for Prolapse
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. 66 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 8 September 2017