Priority 5 from the Learning Difficulties Scotland PSP

UNCERTAINTY: What knowledge, skills and training do health, social work and "third sector" (e.g. charities and support services) professionals need to understand the best support to give children and young people with learning difficulties and their families/carers? (JLA PSP Priority 5)
Overall ranking 5
JLA question ID 0070/5
Explanatory note Not available for this PSP

R. Spackman, A. Qureshi, D. Rai. (2016). A review of recommendations for medical undergraduate intellectual disability psychiatry teaching from UK reports. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities. 10(2): 158-163.

M. Tatlow-Goldern, L. Prihodova, B. Gavin, W. Cullen, F. McNicholas. (2016). What do general practitioners know about ADHD? Attitudes and knowledge among first-contact gatekeepers: systematic narrative review. BMC Family Practice. 17(1): 129. doi: 10.118

HT. Xie, L. Liu, J. Wang, K. E. Joon, R. Parasuram, J. Gunasekaran, C. L. Poh. (2015). The effectiveness of using non-traditional teaching methods to prepare student health care professionals for the delivery of mental state examination: a systematic review. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports. 13(7):177–212, JUL 2015

Health Research Classification System category Mental Health
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples Do we, as professionals, have the knowledge and skills in looking after children & young people with Learning Disabilities? ~ A special fund to be created to prolong respite care for children/adults/carers to enable care to take place throughout the year. Specialist social work staff to be further trained. This should be an emotional issue although its not seen as important. ~ I don't remember being taught about learning difficulties at university as part of my children's nursing degree, is there plans for sessions/modules regarding this to be taught within the course? This would be beneficial as you receive very little training on the job.
Submitted by Professionals x 6 ~ parents/carers x 2 ~ Adults who experienced learning difficulties as a child x 0 ~ child/young person x 0
PSP information
PSP unique ID 0070
PSP name Learning Difficulties (Scotland)
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. 40 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 11 June 2018