Priority 14 from the Kidney Transplant PSP

UNCERTAINTY: What is the best method of sharing deceased donor kidneys to ensure fair access to all age groups whilst minimising waiting times?
Overall ranking Priority questions agreed on but not put in ranked order
JLA question ID 0037/14
Explanatory note Not available for this PSP

Existing Systematic Review: Tong A, Howard K, Jan S, Cass A, Rose J, Chadban S, Allen R and Craig J. Community preferences for the allocation of solid organs for transplantation: a systematic review. Transplantation 2010;89(7):796-805

Health Research Classification System category Renal and Urogenital
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples

How can we ensure that paediatric deceased donor kidney transplants are implanted into children ? How can we reduce the waiting time for children in the deceased donor renal transplant list ? How can we ensure equity of access to transplantation for children round the UK ? At what eGFR should we list/transplant pre-emptively in children? why are elderly patients who are often in good health prejudiced in the waiting lists for a transplant How can we improve the allocation of deceased donor kidneys to reduce cold ischaemic times? Why is there a postcode lottery when it comes to waiting times for a transplant? Should length of time on waiting list have more importance with regard to reducing other risks such as long term heart disease? What is the decision criteria for the 'Fair' allocation for kidney transplant? How can we match organs to recipients more effectively?

Comparison Service delivery
Submitted by

Patients x 4 Clinicians x 6

Outcomes to be measured Cold ischaemia times, waiting times, transplant rates
PSP information
PSP unique ID 0037
PSP name Kidney Transplant
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. 90 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 3 February 2016