Priority 7 from the Electronic Cigarettes PSP
UNCERTAINTY: What impact do restrictions on vaping (e.g. including vaping in smoke free policies; age limits; tank size) have on smoking behaviour and smoking cessation, as well as perceptions of harm from vaping? (JLA PSP Priority 7) | |
Overall ranking | 7 |
JLA question ID | 0087/7 |
Explanatory note | Not available for this PSP |
Evidence |
Cann, K. F., K. D. Heneghan, and T. Knight. "The impact of restricting the use of e-cigarettes in public places: a systematic review." Journal of Public Health 40.3 (2017): 533-539. SR looks at restrictions of vaping in public places and impact on switching behaviour. (no studies were found for this). Secondary question looked at ability to use e-cigarettes in public places as a reason for use and attitudes towards this among smokers. |
Health Research Classification System category | Generic health relevance |
Extra information provided by this PSP | |
Original uncertainty examples | Why do so many businesses, councils and health care trusts include vaping in their smoke free policies? ~ The impact of public use bans, specifically by health trusts treating vaping as smoking, on the uptake and perception of smokers toward vaping. ~ What measures would increase the number of employers, cafés and public houses that welcome considerate vaping? |
Submitted by | 10 x Healthcare Professionals, 35 x Patients |
PSP information | |
PSP unique ID | 0087 |
PSP name | Electronic Cigarettes |
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. | 52 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website) |
Date of priority setting workshop | 20 September 2019 |