Non Surgical Priority 6 from the Early Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis PSP
UNCERTAINTY: What is the most effective and cost effective physiotherapy for treating people with early OA? (JLA PSP Non Surgical Priority 6)
Overall ranking amongst non surgical questions
JLA question ID
Extra explanatory note
Important question as majority of people will be signposted to physio (or a subset) in the NHS Interested in these questions; variation, intensity, frequency and specificity Intervention; distinct from exercise and activity - prescribed exercise and manual therapy Outcomes; patient focussed and quality of life
None identified
Health Research Classification System category
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples
I've heard hot &/or cold treatments help - is this true? ~ Should I consider physiotherapy? ~ How effective can physiotherapy be in relieving symptoms? ~ How can physiotherapy help, also exercise and reducing weight? How do these compare in effectiveness with surgery?
Submitted by
7 patient/carers and 2 clinicians
PSP information
PSP unique ID
PSP name
Early Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP.
52 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)