Priority 10 from the Complex Fractures PSP

UNCERTAINTY:Can patients be provided with expected recovery times for functional recovery and return to life roles after complex fractures? (JLA PSP Priority 10)
Overall ranking 10
JLA question ID 0105/10
Explanatory note The rehabilitation journey after complex fractures can be very long and demanding for patients. There is frequently concern relating to returning to work, caring responsibilities, and leisure.

Not mentioned in NICE guidelines specifically. No other relevant trial evidence Cochrane/PUBMED since 2015.

Health Research Classification System category Injuries and accidents
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples Complication rates of treatment methods ~ More comprehensive documentation on likely outcomes which could be reviewed rather than relying on the internet this can then be discussed with the consultant on rounds. It needs to be borne in mind that the patient could be on some heavy drugs and to be able to review documentation at leisure will help ~ How long will my bones take to heel? When will I walk again? ~ How much the person would return to fully functioning or would they ? ~ Will my ankle always be weaker now? ~ Will I be able to surf, ski, cycle? How long until I can do these things?
Submitted by 25 x Surgeon/Doctor, 22 x Patient, 4 x Physio, 2 x Nurse, 3 x Occupational Therapist, 1 x Healthcare Professional (unspecified), 2 x Knows a patient, 1 x Unknown, 2 x Carer for a patient
PSP information
PSP unique ID 0105
PSP name Complex Fractures
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. 58 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 8th June 2021