Priority 22 from the Bipolar PSP

UNCERTAINTY:What are the most effective ways to train and support a person with bipolar so they are motivated and able to manage the condition themselves? (JLA PSP Priority 22)
Overall ranking 22
JLA question ID 0041/22
Explanatory note Not available for this PSP.

None identified

Health Research Classification System category Mental Health
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples For full examples, see Category ID M5 on spreadsheet. How can mood diaries/phone apps support self management? ~ How can we make sure that all patients with bipolar disorder have access to a structured psychoeducational intervention? ~ Rather than drugs and visits with psychiatrists, shouldn't treatment include teaching self-regulation skills and visits with psychologists first? ~ how can you get a bipolar person to engage with a self help programme when they just do not want to be bothered? ~ What help, practical, not information, is being provided to up skill the individual to use these treatments as alternatives particularly in stress, whether positive or negative, management? ~ Is it useful to provide everyone diagnosed with a comprehensive education programme which includes theory, lifestyle advice, practising coping techniques (meditation for example), arming them with a sense of control and more ability to self manage their condition? Would this approach be more successful at preventing relapse?
Submitted by Patients x 30 ~ Carers x 13 ~ Health Professionals x 5 ~ others x 1
PSP information
PSP unique ID 0041
PSP name Bipolar
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. 363 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 14 June 2016