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Community Nursing PSP Question Verification Form


Published: 11 November 2021

Version: 1

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The purpose of this Question Verification Form is to enable Priority Setting Partnerships (PSPs) to describe clearly how they checked that their questions were unanswered, before starting the interim prioritisation stage of the process.

The JLA requires PSPs to be transparent and accountable in defining their own scope and evidence checking process. This will enable researchers and other stakeholders to understand how individual PSPs decided that their questions were unanswered, and any limitations of their evidence checking. 

Name of the PSP

Community Nursing

Please describe the scope of the PSP

The scope of the community nursing PSP is defined as:

  • Including any uncertainties around community nursing in England that relate to the care of adults (over 18 years) being cared for in their own homes, in community clinics or in residential homes by NHS community nurses
  • perspectives reflective of the practice-based roles of community nurses, including district nurses
  • physical and mental health and the areas of overlap between them;
  • perspectives of patients and carers who access community services in relation to the service provided, information, assessments, interventions and outcomes provided by those services.
  • questions relating to Covid-19 and its impact on community nursing care

Please provide a brief overview of your approach to checking whether the questions were unanswered

The search for evidence included the following databases:

  • Cochrane Library – 110+ results
  • PubMed – in the last 5 years, 1200+ results
  • NICE guidance – seem to be condition or symptom specific – safe staffing levels as a topic moved to NHS Improvement
  • Google – relevant NICE guidance found this way.
  • King’s Fund report - searched reference list – mostly grey literature and primary research

Search terms used: Community/ District, Nurse/ Nursing, Systematic review

Please list the type(s) of evidence you used to verify your questions as unanswered

Publications, NICE guidance

Please list the sources that you searched in order to identify that evidence

Cochrane Library – 110+ results
PubMed – in the last 5 years, 1200+ results
NICE guidance – seem to be condition or symptom specific – safe staffing levels as a topic moved to NHS Improvement
Google – relevant NICE guidance found this way.
King’s Fund report - searched reference list – mostly grey literature and primary research

What search terms did you use?

Community/ District, Nurse/ Nursing, Systematic review

Please describe the parameters of the search (eg time limits, excluded sources, country/language) and the rationale for any limitations

Names of individuals who undertook the evidence checking

Kristina Staley

On what date was the question verification process completed?

28th April 2021

Any other relevant information