Venous Thromboembolism (Canada) PSP engagement Summary


Published: 07 August 2024

Version: 1

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Gathering uncertainties

Methods used (eg survey, focus groups, interviews)

  • An initial survey was conducted and participants (healthcare professionals, patients, family, and caregivers) were asked to list their top 3 questions to be addressed by venous thromboembolism research.
  • This survey was distributed online and though paper form in English and French languages.
  • Relevant clinical practice guidelines were also reviewed and evidence uncertainties (recommendations without high grade, IA evidence) were collected.
Responders and uncertaintiesNumberPercentage
Total respondents (across all methods) 229 100
Total patients and carers (16 were lived experience not otherwise specified)  164 72
Total health and care professionals 65 28
Total number of original uncertainties submitted 728 100
Original uncertainties in scope 16 2
Original uncertainties out of scope 712 98

Interim prioritisation

Methods used (eg survey, focus groups, interviews)

  • The initial survey and evidence uncertainties from clinical practice guidelines was combined and grouped into summary priority statements through consensus among the project steering group.
  • The second (interim) online survey was then conducted online in English and participants (healthcare professionals, patients, family, and caregivers) were asked to select their ten highest priorities from the list of summary priority statements.
Responders and uncertaintiesNumberPercentage
Total number of indicative questions (answered & unanswered) 54 100
Number of verified answered questions 0 0
Number of verified unanswered questions 54 100
Number of verified unanswered questions included in the interim prioritisation 54 Not applicable
Total respondents (across all methods)    72 100
Total patients and carers (2 were lived experience not otherwise specified) 34 47
Total health and care professionals 38 53 
Number of questions taken to final workshop 18 Not applicable

Final priority setting workshop

  • In the finial step, the interim survey results were brought to a final virtual consensus workshop. The workshop was facilitated by the JLA and included patient and clinician participants who met over two days to achieve a consensus on ranked research priorities.
Total participants 26 100
Total patients and carers 12 46
Total health and care professionals 14 54


Survey respondent types were allowed to specify ‘other’. A total of 18 participants (16 in initial gathering uncertainties survey and 2 in interim prioritization survey) identified as non-healthcare professionals persons with lived experience other than a patient or carer. In the above reporting, these participants were categorized as ‘patients and carers’.