Seniors’ Health (Alberta) PSP Engagement Summary


Published: 20 May 2024

Version: 1

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Gathering uncertainties

Methods used (eg survey, focus groups, interviews)

Survey (alone or in pairs) completed online or in hard copy

Responders and uncertaintiesNumber%
Total respondents (across all methods) 670 100
Total patients and carers 351 52
Total health and care professionals 319 48
Total number of original uncertainties submitted 3018 100
Original uncertainties in scope 2329 77
Original uncertainties out of scope 689 23

Interim prioritisation

Methods used (eg survey, focus groups, interviews)

Survey (alone or with assistance) completed online

Responders and uncertaintiesNumber%
Total number of indicative questions (answered & unanswered) 101 100
Number of verified answered questions 4 4
Number of verified unanswered questions 97 96
Number of verified unanswered questions included in the interim prioritisation 97
Total respondents (across all methods)    232 100
Total patients and carers 123 53
Total health and care professionals 109 47
Number of questions taken to final workshop 22

Final priority setting workshop

Total participants 22 100
Total patients and carers 11* 37
Total health and care professionals 19* 63


* Note on Final Workshop participants: Eight attendees identified as representing more than one perspective.